Monday, May 19, 2014

You are the champion!

You are going to fight til the end and you are going to win this game.
You are the one who is playing fair in this unfair game.
You are the dawn in this dark night.
Here is, to your name that is translated hope.

Omid has been kept in prison for more than forty months now.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Proposition 4

True beauty results from that repose which the mind feels when the eye, the intellect, and the affections are satisfied from the absence of any want.

The Grammar of Ornaments_Owen Jones

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Another of Carlin's

Lily Tomlin once said, “I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.”

Last Words_George Carlin

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

یاد ایام...

دو روز پشت سر هم یه جفت جوراب پوشیدم، بعد آمدم کفشامو عوض کنم بوی سگ مرده می‌داد. بعد یاد ایران و خوابگاه و ... افتادم، کلی خاطره زنده شد. بعد یاد بوی مسجدا هم افتادم که ترکیبی‌ست یگانه از بوی پا و گلاب.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tehran, an urban tragedy.

In a world of chaos and economic austerity, the idea of believing in someone that finally comes out of the blue and helps “us” is very compelling. In the presence of this huge gap between classes, an underdog will use his knife to make some money.
 In a country that the police run over innocent citizens, the people, of course, would not stop a public fight or robbery, and would just apathetically pass by.
In a city that freedom, cultural events, newspapers, books, cinema, theater, internet, are suppressed by the government, the greatest entertainment remaining would be to watch the hanging of some unfortunate twenty-something-year-old thief..
In a neighborhood that stops functioning because of some religious reason, it makes sense to accuse those who pick-pocket to committing a crime against “God.”
It all makes sense. Don't act like there is something extraordinary happening. The truth is that there is no ultimate rescuer; we are all in this compost heap, decaying together*. What we need are rebels. We need cultural, economical, educational rebels, and we have none. What we are, are a bunch of apathetic tormentors. Oh, and don’t get me confused; I’m one of them.

* [From fight club:] “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012


Almost one of the first things that stroke me about death was this picture of Frederic Chopin's death mask in his wikipeida page, which is an actual cast of his face I think. There is nothing artistically special about this picture or statue for all that matters, but there is something in it that stayed with me for a long time. Such a music that is so alive today created by one great man who is long deceased. I draw this picture of his mask from memory, listening to Nocturne 20.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

حالی‌ست حال توسعه که هیچش کناره نیست

اگر ایران در حال توسعه یه* پس کی این حال توسعه تموم می‌شه؟ خسته شدیم ازین همه توسعه. کی مثلا میان می‌گن از امروز این حال از اون حالا نیست، حالش نیست، کونا رو بدیم هوا، ویگن گوش بدیم؟ کی؟

* از مشهد