Thursday, February 26, 2009


Experience, Dream, Risk. Close your eyes and jump. Enjoy the freefall. Choose exhilaration over comfort. choose magic over predictability. Choose potential over safety. Wake up to the magic of everyday life. Make friends with your intuition. Trust your gut. Discover the beauty of uncertainty. Know yourself fully before you make promises to another. Make millions of mistakes so that you will know how to choose what you really need. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Love hard and often without reservation. Seek knowledge. Open yourself to possibility. Keep your heart open, your head high and your spirit free. Embrace your darkness along with your light. Be wrong every once in a while, and don't be afraid to admit it. Awaken to brilliance in ordinary moments. Tell truth about yourself no matter what the cost. Own your reality without apology. See goodness in the world. Be bold. Be fierce. Be grateful. Be wild, crazy and gloriously free. Be YOU.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

در ادامه

اگر كسي گلي را دوست داشته باشد كه در مليونها ستاره فقط يكي از آن پيدا شود همين كافيست كه وقتي به آن ستاره ها نگاه ميكند خوشبخت باشد
از كتاب شازده كوچولو